On Getting Fit
I'm trying to get myself motivated enough to start exercising. This morning, I pulled out all the DVDs, books and equipment I bought a couple of weeks back in my bid to get motivated.
Pilates book with DVD
(Yes, I went all out. What can I say? Rebel Sport had a sale. They did! No, really.)
I'm going to try and set aside 15-30 minutes every week day. I think I'll start with the pilates as it's designed with 15 minute exercises. And it's not as scary as the ball exercises.
I still have to figure out how to make space in the lounge room so that I can easily do my workout. And how I'm going to get up earlier than 7.30am in the middle of winter. Give me a break, it's still dark out at that time!
My goal this week is to actually start the routine. Let's see how I go.
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