sleepless nights, marie antoinette and other things
i've been having trouble sleeping the past couple of nights. not really sure what it is, but i have a sneaking suspicion it's job dissatisfaction. i've been really bored at work lately. not enough to do and even when there's work to be done, not challenging enough. i really shouldn't complain as they're paying me decent enough. but i need mental stimulation!
________last night, D and I watched Marie Antoinette. it was my turn to choose a movie (the last time, we had to watch through his excruciating movie choice: Eragon. sucked big time. seriously.)
it wasn't too bad, could've been better. Sophia Coppola directed it and I was hoping for more of a "Lost in Translation" experience.
started out okay but dragged on for the last half hour of the movie. lots of scenes that did not seem all that necessary. nice cinematography and period pieces though.
my reco? watch it on DVD. when you have nothing better to do...
we're going to go see a movie at the Rooftop Cinema tonight. Karima and her sister are coming. should be interesting... i'll blog more about it.
i want to travel again. been ages since i've been to a country i've never been before. we're planning to go overseas this year and i really should start planning it soon. i don't know how i'll manage with getting more leave from work though. sometimes, work gets in the way of life, don't you think?
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