Last weekend we went market-ing, for lack of a better word. It was generally a lazy weekend but we did manage to discover new places to go.
Saturday: We tried the Elwood Market first but it wasn't on until February. Oh well. After that, we went to the South Melbourne Market, which is sort of a mini-me version of the Queen Victoria Market in the city. It was alright but I didn't get to buy anything. D bought about 5 records. We'll probably go back there to go fruit and veggie shopping.
We also went to the ACCA to see Mike Nelson's Lonely Planet. Modern art. Very weird. Bunch of rooms that had that abandoned look to them. Felt like you were going through an old abandoned apartment building or an old house. A bit creepy too. Had that "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" feel to it.
Mike Nelson, Lonely Planet, 2006; Installation view, ACCA
Needless to say, we weren't big fans. But then again, we're neither "cultured" nor art freaks.
Sunday: Went to the Camberwell Market late morning. We had a lazy late start and got to the market past 11 o' clock. It was scheduled from 6.00am to 12.30pm. Met Rob there, had a wander through then promptly got rained on. We'd only been there for about half an hour when it started raining. Bummer. Got myself some card stock for cheap (a project I'm working on) while D bought heaps more records. And I mean heaps more. I think it's vinyl addiction.
We headed for the Prahran Market but it wasn't there. No idea why. So we decided to go the St Kilda Arts & Crafts Market instead.
Grabbed lunch from a cafe in Acland St. The food took ages to come and D's and Rob's orders weren't up to par. I ordered a Prawn and Avocado Salad which was yum, though. I've blogged a review about this place previously (Kat Bahloo) and raved about it. We didn't have as good an experience this time.
After lunch, we went to the Market, which turned out to be a dud. Very arts & craftsy. Hehe.
Decided to go home and chill. D & Rob listened to records while I worked on my project. Went to D's mum's house afterwards to visit.
Not a bad way to spend the weekend.
not a big fan of that lonely planet installation either... but then neither am i a sophisticated artsy type... maybe if he fixes it up a bit, puts a nice comfy sofa in it... a tv, playstation... ...
exactly! hehe. didn't it feel like you walked into an abandoned building, and then... nothing?
we non-sophisticates have to stick together.
oh... well i've only seen the picture! i'm a non-sophisticate who judges an installation by its photo!!! i don't know how to feel about that.
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