Deja Vu and Updates
We went to an advance screening of Deja Vu last night. It wasn't bad. Very action and suspense-y.It's one of those movies where you have to just sit back and enjoy and try not to think about it too much. Because if you start to think about it, you'd realize a lot of things don't really make sense.
If you like action and suspense movies, don't miss this one. Best seen in the big screen, imho.
After 2 nights of tinkering, I was finally able to wirelessly connect my mac to our cable connection. I had to do a lot of research (I didn't even know what SSID or WEP Keys were. Hmm, come to think about it, I still don't.) and trial and errors before finally figuring it out. D helped, in his own way. =)
I only had to input the right combination of SSID and WEP key! Sounds very technical and know-it-all, right? Woohoo! I'm going to learn mactech. I'm sure of it.
Thanks to that unnameless soul who (albeit unknowingly) was letting me sponge of his wireless network connection for the past couple of nights. Lesson: password protect your network.
Tonight we're going to our first Spanish class.
I'm excited.
I need a new notebook.
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