Friday, February 2

Thanks Jenita!

Jen gave us a CD of pictures she took during our wedding. Thanks to the wonders of Picasa, I was able to edit/enhance some choice pics. They're really fun as they focus more on our (quirky) guests.

You can view the album here.


jax said...

awwwwwwwwww the pics are so sweeeet and funny. yes, about the continent thing, maybe we can commission a crew of workers (and i've had a serious convo with someone about this before) to just DIG. they could be miscreants and stupid people. they'd be tasked to dig some dirt up in some places and dump it elsewhere. so we could essentially connect OZ the the RP. (ok we weren't exactly lucid)

Manila Girl said...

did not sound like a lucid conversation at all.

but i've just heard that australia is moving 10cms (maybe 7, i can't recall) a year closer to asia. so, in a million years, it should be walkable already. hehe.

jax said...

oh, no WONDER chrismiss is practicing walking, on the treadmill...

Manila Girl said...

Yup, that's it!