Thursday, February 22

I have a new toy!

I got me a new phone. Sony Ericsson z550i. It was the freak wave that finally pushed me to do it.

I've had my old phone (Samsung fliptop) for almost 2 years now and I've been meaning to replace it. But I kept putting it off as I couldn't be bothered looking for a new one.

Well, as my phone is disabled (the keypad doesn't work), I needed a new one, pronto.

Which is this new baby. I like it. And it didn't cost me much, which is very important.

My only requirements were: fliptop (which it is), decent camera (1.3mp, at least it's better than a VGA) and bluetooth (check). It even added some other features that I think is cool: mp3 player and FM radio. Woohoo!

It's charging at the moment so I can't play with it yet...

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