Friday, February 2

Bowling is lots of fun

Last night we went bowling in Chadstone. It was for D's birthday and his whole family came and played. It was so much fun!!

We only played 2 games each but with 11 people having a go, it took us over 2 hours to finish. Everyone was getting tired by the middle of the second game too. Weak.

Amazingly, I did well. Got 128 in the first game and 126 in the next. I'm usually just pretty average.

I was glad that all of his family took the time to come and play with us. D enjoyed himself as well. Which is good, as I was worried that he wouldn't like it.

Would've been good if my family could come join us too. But they couldn't. Coz they live in another continent. Oh well.

We're going to buy his gift tonight from IKEA. You would think I'd be over that store. But I'm not.

1 comment:

jax said...

belated happy birthday, d!