Got my replacement ipod through the post today. All good.
yes i know, the url is misleading. this is a prime example of my inability to plan ahead. this is a hodge podge of my random thoughts, crazy ideas, projects and stories of marriage mishaps, adventures & misadventures.
Apple sent me an email saying that my ipod replacement is on its way. Woohoo!! Should come in the mail by early next week.
I've gotten questions on whether the ipod really does display that sad ipod icon. Yes, it sure does.
My phone's charged and ready. I've been listening to the built-in radio and it's a godsend. Especially as my ipod is still sick. And my officemate has a very loud voice. And she's not afraid to use it. I've been missing my ipod sorely, especially when she's around.
I've just realized that all my contacts are saved in my old phone. Not the sim. I have no idea how to get the details from there. Boohoo.
But other than that, i'm liking my new phone. I haven't explored it too much but I think it'll work well with my needs (which isn't much). I hope battery life isn't too short and I have to get used to flipping it open (not as easy as with my old samsung) and the menu/keypad (which i don't think will be hard to learn).
I got me a new phone. Sony Ericsson z550i. It was the freak wave that finally pushed me to do it.
I've had my old phone (Samsung fliptop) for almost 2 years now and I've been meaning to replace it. But I kept putting it off as I couldn't be bothered looking for a new one.
Well, as my phone is disabled (the keypad doesn't work), I needed a new one, pronto.
Which is this new baby. I like it. And it didn't cost me much, which is very important.
My only requirements were: fliptop (which it is), decent camera (1.3mp, at least it's better than a VGA) and bluetooth (check). It even added some other features that I think is cool: mp3 player and FM radio. Woohoo!
It's charging at the moment so I can't play with it yet...
Last weekend, D and I went away with Karima & Tyler.
We kept telling people we were going to Phillip Island but in reality, we stayed in a town near the island but not actually on it. In fact, we never even managed to get to the island itself. Haha. We had brunch in one town which was actually the link from mainland to the island but we didn't actually cross the bridge.
I'm sad. My ipod's sick. It's displaying the sad ipod icon.
I left work promptly at 5pm yesterday to try and get to Ikea before the bookcases sold out.
5 minutes ago, I called Ikea girl again and she said the bookcases are available!! But they expect to run out of them by closing!! Oh, the humanity! I have a meeting in half an hour!
I have to see whether I can leave work early later and whether they'd still have it in stock by then...
By the way, if I've made you curious as to what this holy grail bookcase looks like, it's this:
I took yesterday off from work to give my infected eye time to heal. It looked ugly Monday evening and wasn't any better Tuesday morning. I was a bit worried about it so I decided to stay home and rest.
I slept for most of the day since I couldn't really do anything with a broken eye. Spent 1 1/2 hours on the computer at most, 10 minutes watching TV and 0 minutes reading, but basically slept through the day. I am happy to report that my eye looks much better today. And as an added benefit, I'm not snivelly anymore. Sleep is SO good.
I'm back at work now. Another day of sleeping in would not have gone astray but I did get bored yesterday. Oh well.
I tried checking online if the damned bookcase was in stock. It wasn't even LISTED anymore!!! Don't know if that's a filing glitch or it's the curse of the Expedit Bookcase happening.
So I called Ikea girl again. She said they were out of stock but expecting delivery next week.
It's so ridiculous you'd think I was inventing this...
I've been having more ailments than usual lately. I think I'm starting to fall apart (when I say that, I have this morbid image of me just picking up body parts as they detach and fall down to the ground).
Here's a rundown of the current ones: (1) Infected Eye: I've been wearing my glasses the past 2 days since I have a self-diagnosed eye infection. My right eye is puffy and looks yucky. I'm trying to heal it by willing it to get better and leaving it alone (i.e, no contact lenses. hence, the glasses). Since I haven't gone to the doctor, I have no further cure for it. Maybe I'll try the warm compress over the eye. I vaguely remember my mom prescribing it before.
(2) Injured Toe: We went to St Kilda festival yesterday. It was unbelievably windy (sort of like the typhoons we get in the Philippines but without the rain. With full sun and blue sky too) and combine that with Melbourne being dry (haven't had rain for ages), we were blasted with dirt, grit, sand, dry grass and everything else, while we were walking around. Seriously, it was so bad that we couldn't even talk much coz you'd get something flying into your mouth if you tried. Suffice it to say, it was not the best day for a festival.
We did manage to catch a few bands with my personal favourite being Tecoma (listen). But we only stayed for about 3 hours as the windy conditions were not really conducive to festivaling.
What's all this got to do with my injured big toe, you ask? Well, we were making our way back to the bus stop (took the bus to and from St Kilda as the roads were mostly blocked) when this gaggle of girls ran smack into me. They were too busy chatting (this one girl in particular) and just barrelled into poor me. This girl smashed the heel of her shoe on my poor left big toe. It hurt. Really bad. It even bled. Bitch. I didn't even get a proper look as I was too busy keeling over in pain. Yes, it really really hurt.
That did not help with my festival spirit at all. So now, I have a painful memento of the St Kilda festival. It still throbs and looks ugly. I am self-medicating it with betadine and papaw cream.(3) Sore Throat/Snivelly: This is just your average feeling flu-y kind of sore throat. Been snivelly and sneezy since yesterday. I don't know whether it's an allergic reaction to all that dust flying around in the festival.
I am healing myself by taking vitamin C (well, I try anyway. I forgot to take one this morning) and willing myself to get better as we're planning a weekend away to Phillip Island. D wants to go fishing and he wants to drag me into it. I have managed a compromise wherein I asked Karima & Tyler to come along. I was thinking that when we get bored with the fishing, at least Karima and I can leave the boys to their own devices and do something else.(4) Bruised knee and scratched foot: These ones are more than a week old. I got them from the Moonlight Cinema, which was really fun, by the way. The cinema and not how I got the bruise.
D and I got there early enough (6.30pm) but there were already heaps of people waiting outside the gates. We were able to secure a fairly good spot and reserve places for 6 more people (D's brother + girlfriend Jenita, Karima + boyfriend, Rob & Jenita's friend). After a lot of phone calls and scrambling about, we were able to get everybody in and seated.
We brought heaps of food and since the movie was scheduled to start at sundown, we kept ourselves busy eating. We also brought wine and beer. Since nobody wanted to drink my red wine (Karima brought white wine for her, Jen/friend didn't want to have any and the boys had their beer) I drank the whole bottle by myself. And therein was my downfall.
After the movie, it was really really dark (since it was held in the park, it wasn't like in the cinemas where you have the lights turned on) and there were heaps of people going out. We followed the herd and since I was wearing silly slippery slippers, I fell down when I skidded off this concrete thingie on the ground. The fact that I was tipsy did little to help my sense of balance. So I fell and scraped my foot and bruised my knee. The scrape is not healing as fast as I'd like as I keep forgetting to put papaw cream on it. The bruise is now a fading pink/brown color.
Btw, just to balance things out, I have another bruise on my right knee due to me bumping into furniture. But that's pretty much stock standard.
Another btw, it was the best Bond movie I've ever watched. I'm not sure how much the alcohol affected that view.
(5) Chronic back pain: That's been there forever and I think it'll stay there. My pilates/yoga plan has not taken off yet. I have been lazy.
Yes, I'm falling apart. I think you would agree heartily. It's a wonder that I can come to work at all...
I called them again Friday afternoon around 3. The ikea girl said that they DID have stocks of the elusive bookcase but if I couldn't get there within the hour, they'd be gone. Since I was just about to head off to a meeting, I really couldn't go and get there, could I?
I called again around 5pm and a different Ikea girl answered. Guess what? Yup, you guessed it. THEY WERE NOW OUT OF STOCK. She said they should get new stocks by next week.
This bookcase is turning out to be the holy grail of bookcases.
I checked their online site and the color that we wanted is the only one out stock. All other colors were there. TCH.
I'm very busy (unusual, yes) at work at the moment. And I've been out of my desk a lot this week due to meetings, lots of them. That's why I haven't been blogging per usual.
Anyway, just wanted to give a short update on what's going on:
That's it for now. I have to get back to work...
supposedly comic book effect
Yes, I'm silly.
I called them this morning to check whether they had found the missing 15 stock items. WELL, the Ikea girl said they had just had a delivery today but it wouldn't be on the floor yet. She said to call back again tomorrow.
And so it continues... the hunt for the missing bookcase.
Just an update on the IKEA excursion:
After work, I went out for drinkies with a few work mates. D picked me up from the bar and we headed off to Ikea to buy his bookcase.
After being distracted by silly stuff that we just had to buy, we finally made our way to the warehouse area to pick up the bookcase. IT WAS FREAKIN' OUT OF STOCK.
The Ikea boy said they were fully out of stock and it might take 2 weeks for delivery. He also said they were missing 15 bookcases but it might just be a computer glitch. Damn you, Ikea.
Last night we went bowling in Chadstone. It was for D's birthday and his whole family came and played. It was so much fun!!
I went to my first yoga class (ever!) last Tuesday night. It's near our place and on the way home from the office. It wasn't too bad. Nothing strenuous. I'll probably try to go once a week.
Guess what he chose? Yup, the practical one, the bookcase (not that I minded that choice as I was rooting for that too). And he refused to choose another gift. Said the bookcase was enough. Probably found the other choices lame. Oh well, I tried. Personally, I would have loved flying a plane but to each his own. But he did mention he would rather jump out of a plane than fly one so I have to go find a skydiving adventure next.
He also said he didn't like being fussed on. And just wanted to keep his birthday simple and ordinary. This is totally contrary to how I like to celebrate birthdays but it is his birthday.
But I already arranged for a Bowling Night with his family tonight. I thought it would be a more interesting activity than a regular dinner. He said it was okay though. Hope so.
This is a paradigm shift for me. I love giving gifts and making a fuss on people I care about, especially during special occasions. I like using creativity to surpise people with non-regular gifts.
But, he likes things different. And what I'm figuring it out as I go along is that I need to give him what he wants and not what I think he'd want. Hmm... Marriage is hard work.
Happy birthday D!