Thursday, September 4

Lost and Found

I was leaving for work when I grabbed my bag and realised my wallet wasn't in the bag. I thought I had left it at home and had gone the whole day without it.

I got home and looked half-heartedly for it in the usual places but didn't find it. I wasn't too worried cos I misplace things all the time. But, after dinner, I decided to do a serious search but came up empty. I racked my brain for where I could've put it but my brain is like a sieve. I retain nothing. Hehe.

D was getting worried for me but I wasn't stressing cos I really couldn't do much about it and worrying won't solve anything. I transferred the little money I had in my day-to-day account to my savings account just in case someone tried to use my atm card or debit card. I was fretting about having to go get a new license and medicare card but I hoped I could do it all online.

I still held the hope that I had left it in the office but I resigned myself to the worst case scenario.

I came in to work today and found my wallet underneath the pile of paperwork I have. Woohoo! Crisis averted.

You're probably wondering how in the world I didn't see my wallet, which isn't small, on my desk, which isn't big.

This is why.

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