Friday, September 19

Battlestar Galactica

D and I have been obsessed with Battlestar Galactica (BG) for the past couple of weeks now. We borrowed the 3 season box set (including the introductory mini-series) and Razor (a between mini-series) from the boys' library. We finished all that and now have to wait for Season 4 (which isn't showing in the US yet, I think).

It's surprisingly good for the most part and when the storylines revolve around BG and the Cylons (you have to watch it to understand), it's really really great. Sometimes, the stories do tend to wander into regular TV-land and that's when it gets soap opera-ish. At least they don't do that too often which is why I'm recommending this series.

It's funny, smart (most of the time) and action-packed (when it's not overly drama-ing). There are some v annoying characters (Gaius and GB [gay boy -- try to identify who that is if you do watch it]) but I think that's testament to the good writing and acting. Best to watch it on DVD so that you don't get frustrated with the cliffhangers at the end of some episodes.

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