Wednesday, April 18

Domestic Drama

We had some domestic drama this morning.

D had the day off today but he was headed to the mechanic to get his car checked out. He was also going up to the boys' house as his niece was in town. I, on the other hand, had work.

I fully expected him to drop me off at work. I was in the process of dragging my sleepy ass out of bed when he, jokingly i presumed, says, "So, you're taking the tram to work today?"

I, of course, replied, "No, you're taking me to work, right? RIGHT?"

He continues on, "Well, we have to leave soon then as I want to get to the mechanic early to get the car fixed then go up and see S."

I got the point.

Apparently, he didn't think so, as during the course of me getting ready, we had the same conversation TWO more times.

The last conversation was the last straw and I just stared him down. He had the gall to again say his line of "We have to go soon then..." when he was still in bed, not dressed, to me, fully dressed and 2 minutes from ready.

I walked out. After I got my bag and things ready. Oh, also after I made my morning coffee mug. And since I was already making my coffee, I made his as well. Yes, even in the midst of drama, I need my coffee.

So, while he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, I stormed out. He called out and ordered (ordered!) me to come back. I merely continued walking.

Now, the tram stop is about 7 minutes walk from our house. During the whole walk, I was fuming. I was also waiting for him to follow after me. I was already crossing to the stop, accepting the fact I would have to REALLY take the tram to work, when I hear honking. I turn, and lo and behold, D and his car were right behind me.

I held on to my pride for about 10 seconds before I gave in and got in. And before you judge me as easy, I really did not want to cause a scene. AND I was silent for the first 5 minutes of the trip.

I can be so dramatic sometimes.

1 comment:

chrismiss said...
