Wednesday, April 25

Driving is Stressful

Let me clarify that. Driving with D in the passenger seat is stressful.

I've started driving again.

I drove last Saturday by myself since we had to pick up D's old car from the boys' house. (I'll be using this car until I buy my own) I convoyed with D and even if it wasn't the best of conditions (rainy and getting dark) I thought I did pretty well. I didn't stall or put the car into the wrong gear. I didn't even accidentally drive on the wrong side of the road! I felt confident again about my driving.

Well, that confidence lasted until I drove with D the next day.

The distance from the boys' house to ours is about 30 mins away. In Melbourne terms, that's pretty far. The gym to our house takes 10 minutes. In that 10 minutes, I mis-geared twice and was tense the whole way. You do the math.

Anyway, I drove again today. I think I'm getting the hang of it but...

I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss driving in Manila.

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