Friday, April 27


We haven't had any exciting adventures in the recent past. Come to think of it, we haven't even had any not-so-exciting adventures to talk about either.

We do have the excuse of moving house but I think that excuse is well used up by now. I have to get started on a list again. Which reminds me, I should give an update on that list I had early this year to see how we did.

List posted initially in Jan 07 (updates in red):

  1. Take Spanish classes with D (already enrolled. classes start Jan 18, Thursday evenings.) - Done! Not sure if we learned anything but we had fun taking the classes!
  2. Watch the Australian Open (bought tickets for Jan 21, Sunday) - Went and truly enjoyed it. Hoping my dad comes back next year in time for us to go together.
  3. Watch a film at the Moonlight Cinema (sometime in Feb, waiting for the screening of a movie we actually want to see) or the Rooftop Cinema (maybe next Friday to see Bright Young Things) - done and done. Saw Casino Royale at the Moonlight Cinema and Bright Young Things at the Rooftop one. Both were quite enjoyable.
  4. Learn Yoga (I really need motivation for this) - i went to ONE class! i'm so bad. at least, D and I have enrolled in a gym. i'll check out the classes there.
  5. Visit more museums or cultural centers (next stop is the Australian Center for Contemporary Art where Mike Nelson is exhibiting Lonely Planet at the moment) - went to the ACCA and got weirded out by Mike Nelson's art. i need to find another artsy alternative.
  6. Explore Victoria through books (I'm actually doing this already through the reading program, Reading Victoria. Already gone through one, Stiff, and now reading through Picnic at Hanging Rock.) - read Stiff and didn't really like it. Picnic was a bit weird as well. Read another book which I liked - Nevil Shute's On the Beach.
  7. Catch more concerts (D wants to see Tenacious D this month. I doubt we'll be organized enough to catch that one... Damien Rice is playing in Feb, Gomez in April) or go to music festivals (St Kilda Festival is on!) - haven't gone to any concerts but we did go to the St Kilda Festival. hmm, i think we should try to catch a concert soon.
  8. Have picnics (if we end up going to the Moonlight Cinema, then that's 2 birds with one stone. If not, I want to go to Hanging Rock). - Cinema done, Hanging Rock still hanging. =)

Well, I don't think we did too badly with that list. Time for a new one!

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