It's the last day for work before a long-awaited 4 day weekend. Yes, yes, I know. I've just been on a fantastic holiday and have been only working for less than 2 weeks. But still. I've been soo looking forward to this.
Everybody's been asking what I'll be doing this Christmas. You want to know too? Well then I'll tell you. Nothing. Yup, nothing. Sad but true. We'll probably have a Christmas lunch or dinner with D's people but other than that, zilch. So that's Christmas in Melbourne. Bloody exciting, isn't it? Bah humbug.
Anyway, I'm excited about giving D his gifts... Got him 3 albums of Deep Purple (never even heard of the band before) and also got him a 4G ipod on sale. I'm also planning to get him the Nike+ipod thingie to encourage him to start running again. Yey.
This is what I want for Christmas:
1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

I've just borrowed it from the library but I've decided I want my own copy. First of all, it's a huge book and I can't lug it around with me to read during the holidays. I'll need time to go through the list. Also, I plan to go through the list, borrow the books from the library and tick them off as I read them. Some books I've already read and enjoyed (ALL of Jane Austen's books made it to the list!! How cool is that?) and some I've read and just went huh (could someone please explain why Grapes of Wrath is considered a great book? it's depressing and there's too many tumbleweeds...). But the majority of the books I've never read. Which is why I'm embarking on a reading adventure. Call it my new year's resolution.
I hope D gets it for me soon...
For New Year's, a friend of mine from college is coming to visit from Adelaide. She's recently migrated to oz and been staying with her cousin somewhere in the vicinity of Adelaide. Needless to say, she's bored out of her mind. She's planning to move to Sydney to look for a job. I told her to come visit me first.
We're planning to go to the City for New Year's Eve. There's a
lot going on so it should be fun.
Don't know if I'll be motivated enough to post during the holiday break. Although, I
am planning to upload some honeymoon pics. We'll see.
Merry Christmas everybody!