Tuesday, October 24

Driving on the wrong side of the road

My car lease guy called me today to tell me that my application was approved. That means I get my new car when we fly back here from Manila. Yey! (decided to get it after our holiday since we didn't want the trouble of finding a place for it to stay unused for 3 weeks).

Now, all I need to learn is to drive on the wrong side of the road. And to remember that the clutch is on my left. And in turning, to use my indicators instead of turning on my wipers. Add in hook-turns (don't worry if you don't know about them since they're native only to Melbourne), roundabouts and road rules. So much to remember! And I don't exactly have the best memory. Teehee.

It' s a bit hard learning to drive here though. What with D getting stressed about how I drive and me getting stressed with how D teaches. On top of that, his truck (he calls it the Beast. with good reason.) is not the easiest car to drive... Oh well, such is life.

At least I get a brand spankin' new car. =)


chrismiss said...

Nice nice!

jax said...

what are hook turns? hey you should be fine!!! just don't hit the ice cream trucks