Monday, October 30

First Month!

Just realized that we've been married for a month. Hmmm...

Anyway, wasn't really going to write about that but just wanted to put that in.

It's Daylight Savings Time over here so we've had to put our clocks an hour forward. Which sucks coz it means I have to get up an hour earlier. But it's good though since we still have sunlight past 7 o'clock in the evening.

Don't really know how that'll be beneficial to me since I don't do anything after work anyway. Tch.

I practice drove last Saturday down Beach Road all the way to DFO (Direct Factory Outlet). Very stressful, I might say. I hate being stressed and antsy about driving when I've been driving for over ten years and it should come easy as pie already. Oh well, more practice driving to go... (although practicing before we leave for our holiday might not be the best idea as I will be driving on the right side of the road when we get back to Manila).

This post has gone away from me and has just turned into a jumble of randomness. Better leave it for now...

Thursday, October 26

out of sorts

i've been feeling out of sorts lately.

antsy, cranky and all that.

first thought it was pms but i think it's beyond that.

don't know what is though.

today, i feel sort of depressed.

which is a new symptom.

want to find out what's causing this so that i can stop it.

want to feel better.


Tuesday, October 24

Driving on the wrong side of the road

My car lease guy called me today to tell me that my application was approved. That means I get my new car when we fly back here from Manila. Yey! (decided to get it after our holiday since we didn't want the trouble of finding a place for it to stay unused for 3 weeks).

Now, all I need to learn is to drive on the wrong side of the road. And to remember that the clutch is on my left. And in turning, to use my indicators instead of turning on my wipers. Add in hook-turns (don't worry if you don't know about them since they're native only to Melbourne), roundabouts and road rules. So much to remember! And I don't exactly have the best memory. Teehee.

It' s a bit hard learning to drive here though. What with D getting stressed about how I drive and me getting stressed with how D teaches. On top of that, his truck (he calls it the Beast. with good reason.) is not the easiest car to drive... Oh well, such is life.

At least I get a brand spankin' new car. =)

Sunday, October 22

Children of Men

D and I went and watched the movie "Children of Men" starring Clive Owen and directed by Alfonso Cuaron. It was totally not what I expected. But it was GOOD. I don't know why I was expecting a hollywood experience (even had this notion it would be a fun, mostly mindless, run like Minority Report) but we got much more than that. It was brutal and realistic (well, as realistic as you can get when a film is set in the future).

another suprise was that it was written by PD James, one of my crime fiction writers. the movie was so NOT crime fiction. well, i'm aching to read the book now. reserved it at our local library... watch it, love it. well, i did, anyway.

Friday, October 20

Winter's Back! Arghhh!

it's horrible. i've waited far too long for the weekend to come and they bring me this. winter all over again... argh!

yes, yes, i'm being overly dramatic here but the weather's bringing me down. it's cold, windy, drizzly and did i mention cold out there.

well, i'm blaming the weather for my lack of productivity today. plus, the tgif syndrome. if i didn't have to finish this bloody presentation today i wouldn't even be pretending to work!

i want sunshine!

Nights out

Last night, D and I went to get a quick bite to eat for dinner. We were headed for this kebab place on Acland Street but we got sidetracked by this café where there was this chick performing live music. It turned out to be a good choice, actually. The food was good (and cheap! D had a huge burger for $6), the chai latte was reasonable and the singer turned out to be good as well.

D had a chat with the chick (i've completely forgot her name by now but D has her flyer) and she gave us her next gig dates/venues. There's one tonight in Collingwood. Maybe.

Kat Bahloo was a good find as well as it has open mike nights on wednesdays. D's been wanting to gig since forever and this might just push him to actually do it.

There's a work social function tonight. Bare Feet Lawn Bowls competition & BBQ. Hmm, never been lawn bowling before. D says we should go to help me with Australian transformation... That's a bloody good reason not to go. But I am curious.

Either that or D and I will go have a lovely dinner somewhere. Spanish or Mediterranean. Yum. Choices, choices.

images from Kat Bahloo website

Thursday, October 19

Wedding Pictures

Well, I've finally managed to post some of our wedding pics online. They're not too bad, I might say. Considering that we only paid a minimal amount and we were kinda worried about our choice of photographers at the onset. But, she pulled through and it went pretty ok.

The rest of the pictures can be viewed through our kodakgallery album.

Update: Damn kodak. They took down my albums. Argh!

Friday, October 13

where are the lazy breakfasts?

i've always wanted a lifestyle that afforded me lazy breakfast mornings.

melbourne seemed conducive to that lifestyle as every time we drive down the road, we see loads of people having seemingly casual breakfasts at cafes all day.

i thought i'd be one of them one day. well, sad to say, at this stage in my life, i'm not. i'm still rushing in the mornings, having coffee to go and completely forgetting about breakfast. hmm, something needs to change...

even during weekends, d and i haven't had a lazy breakfast in ages. we believe it's because of the "settling-in" business, getting married and having my family over for the past 3 weeks. well, at least we're hoping it is. we're hoping once everything's settled down, we'll have our leisurely weekends. and lazy breakfasts.

here's to hope...

Monday, October 9

well, we've done it

30.09.06 Old Treasury Building, Melbourne

we got married! as of today, i've been a wife for 9 days.
people keep asking me if it feels different. i keep saying it doesn't. and it really doesn't. maybe it's because my family's been staying with us since the wedding (chrismiss left for manila yesterday and theagan will be here until saturday). then again, as d said during the reception, we already felt married even before the wedding.
so, no crazy married adventures as of yet. we've been busy touring my family around and haven't had enough alone time.
but i'll keep you posted...