Monday, September 22

The "Other" Blog

I'm finding it a challenge maintaining two active blogs.

Although the other blog doesn't have a lot of words, thinking of photo subjects, taking the actual photos and then thinking of ways to be creative about the caption and the blurb takes a lot of energy. So much energy in fact that this blog is beginning to suffer.

I don't know how prevent this blog from languishing especially since that other blog is all shiny and new that I'm more inclined to play with it more often.

I do have post ideas for this one, particularly the torture I experienced in one of our training sessions at work, but with limited mac time (D is addicted to facebook and so is hogging the laptop way more than he should) I just can't seem to bring myself to sit down and write about it.

I will overcome the indolence this blog has suddenly become mired in. It'll take time, that's all.

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