Thursday, March 1

The Good Shepherd

This is the longest movie on earth. At least, it felt that way when we were watching it. 2 freakin' hours and 40 minutes. That's how long it was. And you could feel every second tick away.

It was slow, draggy and just plain boring. No suspense, no action scenes, no car chases. Everything, and everyone, is very somber and serious.

Directed by Robert de Niro. Impressive casting: Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie, Billy Crudup, John Turturro and more. Neither de Niro or the cast made the movie come to life.

Not the best movie to watch on a Sunday afternoon. Not the best movie to watch, period.


chrismiss said...

I don't know why you keep watching bad movies. hehe

Manila Girl said...

it wasn't my choice! we watched it with tuan and jenita last sunday and that was the consensus.

if i had my way, i would've opted for the amusing, albeit probably mindless, Music and Lyrics. Or Notes on a Scandal.