Friday, December 19

Vampire Love Story

Why watch this (drivel)?

When you can watch this?

Now, I haven't watched either but I think I'd rather watch the latter. No offense to the rabid fans of the series out there.

P.S. Thanks to sparks for the link.

Wednesday, December 10

El Orfanato

If you ever want to be frightened out of your skin one of these days, go watch El Orfanato (directed by first time director Juan Antonio Bayona and produced by Guillermo del Toro).

Seriously freaky stuff. I had my eyes closed most of the time (for those who know me, you'd know this is my way of watching horror movies) and still I couldn't shake off the eeriness of the film.

D, who LOVES getting freaked out, enjoyed himself immensely. There were a few scenes when we, along with the rest of the audience, jumped out of our seats because of how brilliantly scary they were set up.

Hollywood movie directors, please take note. This is how you make a great horror movie.

Monday, December 8

Fun with Magnets

I've always wanted those fridge letter magnets but I found them to be too pricey (seriously, $30?!?).

Me, being a cheapskate, decided to make my own. I found out that it wasn't too hard. I'm even thinking of giving them as gifts, if I ever get un-lazy enough.

What you need:

  1. a computer and a printer
  2. photo paper
  3. magnet tape (the most brilliant invention)
  4. a ruler
  5. cutter/scissors/guillotine

What to do:
  • Using whatever software you're comfortable with, make small boxes with letters/numbers/symbols. Print a few practice runs until you're happy with the size and shape.

  • If you're too lazy to make your own, use my templates below (click and then download). You'll have to print the first one twice to get a decent number of letters. I used 4x6 photo paper and iPhoto.
  • Attach magnet tape in strips to the back of your photo paper. Make sure you don't leave spaces between tapes.
  • Cut your letters (this is the most time and effort consuming part of the process). I used a combination of guillotine, cutter & board and scissors to cut the little buggers.

  • Stick them on your fridge and voila! you've got your own fridge letters.

Sunday, December 7

Sunday Morning Bliss Is...

A mug of french vanilla coffee and treats from the local bakery.

Too bad D's on a fishing trip that he can't share my yummy pastries.

Yum Yum.

Saturday, December 6

A Weekend in October

A bit delayed but here's a photo blog of our weekend away in October:
Clockwise from top left:
1) Happy birthday Shivani!
2) WTF? Avocado = Testicle? Gross.
3) Our cozy bedroom
4) The group minus sleepy D
5) The boys fishing but not catching anything

Tuesday, December 2

3 Weeks Ago

This a really delayed post but I wanted to put up pictures from my birthday BBQ.

D and I decided to drive up to Sky High Mt. Dandenong (one of our favourite picnic spots) to have a picnic BBQ. For once, the weather cooperated and it was a gorgeous spring day.

And yes, the lettuce is from my garden.

The weather was perfect, the food was yum and I had my D. It was a good birthday.

Obviously the pictures have been edited. Picnik is a great site for photo editing dummies. It's too simple for words.

Monday, December 1

Tess and Charlie were here!

They came for a weekend and although it was a short visit we had fun with them. Charlie's so adorable.

It was great having them here.