Friday, September 25

40 weeks + 5 days

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Need I say more?

Tuesday, September 15

Maternity Leave Project #1

I have this list of projects I want to do while I have the time. I'm on my third week of maternity leave and after the organising, clean up, getting the guest/baby room ready, I haven't even started on my list of projects.

Up until now.

Our bedhead has been bothering me for some time. Especially during the last stage of my pregnancy as I couldn't sit up comfortably without a million pillows propping me up. It looks nice and all but the design just didn't consider comfort whilst sitting up.

This is what our bedhead looked like before I tackled it:

I went to Clark Rubber to see how much a custom fit foam would cost. For a medium density foam that would fit our bedhead, it would cost me about $115+, which, cheapskate that I am, wasn't prepared to pay.

What's a girl to do? Go to Ikea, of course. I went to the bargain corner and found a single mattress for $20. How good is that?

All I had to do was cut it to size and although it wasn't the perfect fit, it works for my purpose.

Had leftover curtain fabric and since this was just an experiment, decided to use that.

After 2 hours of measuring, cutting, sewing, pulling, tugging and maneuvering, voila! I've got a padded bedhead that's so much more comfortable.

Now that I have the pattern, I can opt to change the fabric down the line. I was thinking of faux suede in a brown shade but that will have to wait until bub comes out. I don't think my tummy can take any more tugging and pulling at this stage. At least I can sit up comfortably now, which is REALLY crucial at this stage of my pregnancy.

So, Project #1 complete. Yey.

Wednesday, September 9

Home Stretch

Seriously, I'm getting way too massive. Over it.

Friday, September 4

38 Weeks Down

So, I'm in the last stretch of pregnancy. Let's blame preggy brain for not being online during that loongg stretch of non-blogness.

One thing I have learned during this pregnancy (amongst other things)? I do NOT like being pregnant. Seriously.