My Neglected Forgotten Blog
For a long moment there, I forgot I had a blog. Almost 2 weeks since my last post but I have lots of excuses. Things have been busy -- busier than usual anyway.
Yes they are excuses but these are the Things That Have Kept Me From Blogging:
- My sister arrived on the 18th! Woohoo! She's here for 3 months. We've been taking her around and getting her sorted.
- We had a lunch-thing with a few of our friends on the Sunday she arrived. I was busy cooking, eating, mingling and cleaning up that day.
- I was working. Mundane but true. Still trying to sort out the work situation as well.
- We went up to Mount Dandenong and visited the William Ricketts Sanctuary (creepy but fascinating) and Sky High Mt. Dandenong (absolutely gorgeous -- highly recommended).
- We went shopping at the Camberwell markets. We scored! Heaps of jumpers and sweaters for cheap! Got a good pair of jeans and a pair of slacks!
- I took my Road Law Knowledge Test and Hazard Perception Test and I passed both! Woohoo! Now, all I need is to pass the practical driving test and I'll finally get a Victorian license. The test is still in October.
- I've discovered Facebook and now I'm hooked. I'm way too addicted to Scrabulous at the moment.
- Char is coming tonight! Woohoo!
- I've also been busy enjoying the fine Melbourne weather. We've been having really good days recently -- 20ºC days are SO good. Sometimes, it even feels like Melbourne summer! Double woohoo!
See? I have been busy. But I'll try to be more regular again. And I have yet to post my pictures. I'll get it done. Soonish. Somehow.